How to optionally await a JavaScript function call

By inspecting the return value first, you can determine whether or not to await.

Even though async functions and the await operator quickly became popular in JavaScript, many use await solely with function calls, such as:

const result = await readSomeFile();

That works fine when you know the function you’re calling returns a promise. Actually, it works fine even without the function returning a promise as await will wrap the return value in a promise if it isn’t already one. But why go through the overhead of creating and returning a promise if it’s not needed?

The key here is that await operates on promises, and those are hidden when using await in front of a function call. Therefore, if you’re unsure that a function returns a promise, you can always check using the instanceof operator and only await if a promise is returned:

let result = someFunction();
if (result instanceof Promise) {
    result = await result;

The value of result is usable directly at the end of this code regardless if someFunction() returns a promise or not.

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