RWE personal scavenger hunt
It’s almost here. The Rich Web Experience is just about a week away and I’m getting pretty excited. I’ve just finished uploading my slides for my two presentations and I really can’t wait to get started. It’s my first external conference so I’m looking forward to…well…pretty much everything about it.
To make things a bit more interesting, I’ve decided to make a scavenger hunt for myself. I have a short list of people with whom I’d like to get a photograph. I’m not real big on autographs, but I love having photos of myself with recognizable people. So here’s the people I’m hoping to coax into taking a photo with me at the conference:
- Douglas Crockford – Yes, he works at Yahoo! too and yes, I see him from time to time, and yes, I have actually spoken to him on occassion, but I don’t walk around campus with a camera.
- Jesse James Garrett – pure geek cred. Nuff said.
- Alex Russell – I’ve never met Alex, seems like a good icebreaker.
- Joe Walker – Loved DWR from the start and really helped with the first edition of Professional Ajax on the DWR section.
- Molly Holzschlag – I just find the stuff she writes interesting.
- Nicholas Eddy – the only other Nicholas speaking at the conference. Props for using your full first name!
- Sean Kane – I don’t use Netflix, but I think its interface is pretty slick.
So that’s it. Hopefully I’m on someone’s scavenger hunt list, too.